· Student Name : Khalifa khamis ail
· Book Title : the CUASE OF THE MUMMY
· Writer : Joyce Hannam
· Publishing Company __OXford_______________
· Date of Publication _____2002_________________
· What is the genre of the book? (the kind of book- comedy, action, mystery etc.)? ___history_________
· What is the setting of the story? (place)
Valleyof the kinge
· Who are the characters in the story? (important people or things)
Karim:finds the first step in the sand.
My carater: thinks tuankhamun is angry because people are opening his tomb.
Tariq:knows the door in the sand is to tutankhamuns tomb.
Mr ayrton he is a teacher.
· What is the conflict in the story? (the problem)
when the worker were digging they found the tearue
· What is the plot of the story? (the important events)
For thousand of years the dead body of the young king tutankhamun slept under the sand of Egypt. Than in the autumn of 1922, howard center and his frined find and open his tomb door.these are exciting times , and centers young helper tariq tell the stoyru in his fiary.
But soon people begin to die. Who or what is the killer is tutankhamun angry with them for opening his tomb? And who is the beautiful French girl with the face of tutankhamun long dead wife
· How is the problem solved at the end of the story?
That the mummy wanted to kill the workers but before they killed them they return the treasure
· What was the best thing that happened in the story? Why do you think so?
The people is very happy in the and and mr ayrton and anne walked back home happy and excited dreaming of asking anne to marry me.
· What is your opinion of the book? Give reasons.
The story it is very beautiful and very nice. Iam very happy to read this story and I well travel in the Egypt and go the volley of the king.